Do you know your Chronotype and why it's important for sleep?

I’ve been talking sleep this morning.

Know your Chronotype

Are you a morning lark or a night owl?

If you struggle to get up in the morning, like staying up and going to bed late and enjoy a nap then you’re most likely an evening person. If you have more energy in the morning, can wake up without an alarm and like to go to bed early then you’re most likely a morning person.

Chances are you instinctively knew the answer to the question.

Lark or Owl

Why is it important?

If you know your chronotype you can work with it rather than against it to be more productive. For instance, night owls should use a dawn wake simulator, open the curtains and get outside in the morning to kick start their circadian rhythm. Morning larks should aim to get a dose of natural daylight in the afternoon when they start to get weary.

Did you know that some schools in Sweden start later in the day to accommodate teenagers’ tendency to be night owls?

Aim to do important things for when you’re most alert - for larks that’s the morning and owls it’s the afternoon. If you have flexibility in your working hours, shift them to fit your chronotype.

Unfortunately, we live in a world that’s geared towards the lark but thankfully with more flexible working practices we can accommodate the owls too!

If you want help with your sleep book your free consultation

Common Therapies

I’m often asked what can hypnotherapy be used to treat and it’s such a difficult question to answer because the answer is just about anything where the subconscious is involved. Sometimes whatever that is doesn’t have an obvious connection to the subconscious so if you’re wondering if hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is most likely yes!

I’ve given a little more detail on some of the more common things I work with, however this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to contact me to find out how hypnotherapy can help you.