“What a wonderful night’s sleep! I didn’t realise how much the constant updates on COVID-19 was affecting me, I’ve been trying to push away. I’d said from the beginning that as I’m pregnant I wouldn’t worry until someone told me to be worried. When they announced this week to work from home it just left me in a state of the unknown, anxiety went through the roof, I couldn’t concentrate, I wasn’t at all productive and I was thinking the worst. My thoughts have been pretty eratic and pretty much led by the office talk and press, not fed on true facts.
Last night before bed I listened to the recording and my goodness! I slept like a baby, my thought process this morning is a lot more organised, I’m not panicking and my head is a lot clearer. My sleep was undisturbed and far better quality than the last couple of weeks.
Thank you so much! Honestly I feel I can think again!”