Having recently invested in an activity tracker, I was shocked to discover that on average I was getting less than four hours sleep a night with up to twenty restless periods within that. This gave me the impetus to do something about my lack of good sleep rather than just accept it as a way of life.
I have used Helen’s Sleep hypnosis track for three nights now and feel more rested now that I have done for as long as I can remember. Helen introduces the session with sensible advice which I mostly followed in any case but was probably more guilt of a few of the no-no’s that I care to admit. Having stuck to her advice I began using the hypnosis session. During the first session I was very relaxed but not yet asleep before the end. I was definitely feeling less tired when I woke up the next morning.
On night two I once again followed the pre-session advice and listened to the hypnosis track with the content being more familiar I allowed myself to relax further. Although my son woke me three times in the night , I still somehow felt more rested the following morning than usual.
By night three I can’t say for definite whether I got to the end of the session before falling asleep which I would say is a very good sign.
I would highly recommend Helen’s sleep hypnosis for anyone with a busy life who just can’t switch off. Helen manages to accomplish the comforting, relaxing voice that you want to listen to but somehow becomes more soothing background and sleeping is easy once more.