This little known phobia is actually one of the most common!

t’s interesting how some fears and phobias are discussed all the time - fears of spiders, fear of flying and others are hidden away as though they are something to be ashamed of.

Take for instance emetophobia - the fear of sick or being sick - definitely in the top 10 phobias and yet no-one talks about it.

How do you know if you have it?

Some of the traits of emetophobia are:

  • being fearful of being sick yourself
  • being fearful of being around or hearing someone else being sick
  • mistrust of eating in restaurants or other people’s houses
  • avoiding large groups in case you catch something
  • excessive handwashing/cleaning
  • checking sell by dates
  • overcooking food especially meat
  • avoiding certain foods
  • limiting alcohol use
  • fear of getting pregnant
  • anxiety around children or your own children if they pick up a bug
  • needing reassurance when someone is ill
  • avoiding public transport
  • avoiding holidays abroad where you can’t control what you eat or drink
  • avoiding careers that have lots of people/children contact

It’s more common than you think

It’s estimated that around 4% of the population experience a fear of sick. Compare that to 6% with a fear of spiders and 3% with a fear of flying.

Check out these well-known people who have suffered with this.

Famous people with a fear of sick Top 5 phobias

Common Therapies

I’m often asked what can hypnotherapy be used to treat and it’s such a difficult question to answer because the answer is just about anything where the subconscious is involved. Sometimes whatever that is doesn’t have an obvious connection to the subconscious so if you’re wondering if hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is most likely yes!

I’ve given a little more detail on some of the more common things I work with, however this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to contact me to find out how hypnotherapy can help you.