They're back again!!

Yup, it’s that time of year again.

Look in any corner of your room and there’s one of those 8 legged thingies spinning away.

Apparently, they come into our homes at this time of year to find a mate. So not only are they there giving us a jump scare they’re randy as well!

I’ve had a difficult relationship with spiders and I don’t think the film Arachnophobia did me any favours. Why on earth did I watch that?! Certainly 20 years ago it was at its peak. Living alone at the time, I found myself stranded upstairs by a couple of beauties hanging out in the stairwell. I seriously considered climbing out the window. What I did end up doing was calling my long-suffering parents to come and rescue 30-year-old me. So embarrassing! Can you believe it, by the time they drove the 30 minutes to my house, those spiders had gone into hiding. I did not sleep well that night, I can tell you.

Since then, I found hypnosis and it was one of the early things I resolved whilst I was undergoing my training. One session was all it took. Thankfully these days my frustration with them is limited to their uncanny ability to wave at the alarm sensors and trigger the burglar alarm off at all hours of day and night!

Sorry spider

Me and the spiders have a deal now, I don’t hurt them and I help them go outside again. I also invested in one of those spider grabber things which has been worth it’s weight in gold because these days I can actually get near enough to tackle them. Before the hypnosis I would have fled screaming from a room and had to seal it off forever more.

It’s no fun having a fear or phobia of any kind but at least it’s something relatively simple to resolve. If our 8-legged friends are giving you a hard time at this time of the year and the conkers in the corner of the room aren’t working, let me know and I’ll help you out. I can’t say I’d ever want to own a pet tarantula but at least tackling a randy spider or two doesn’t bother me at all these days.

Common Therapies

I’m often asked what can hypnotherapy be used to treat and it’s such a difficult question to answer because the answer is just about anything where the subconscious is involved. Sometimes whatever that is doesn’t have an obvious connection to the subconscious so if you’re wondering if hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is most likely yes!

I’ve given a little more detail on some of the more common things I work with, however this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to contact me to find out how hypnotherapy can help you.