How hypnotherapy can help with the peri-menopause
Ugh! The menopause! A pretty rubbish time in a lot of women’s lives where puberty goes in reverse and those hormones are raging again.
Thank goodness we live in a world where we can talk about it now. It’s a major transition in 50% of the population’s lives so we absolutely should be talking about it.
Those pesky hormones start messing with us - we have trouble sleeping and that poor sleep makes those anxious feelings so much more powerful. We’re often exhausted and our motivation dips and with it goes the motivation to cook healthy food and to be active. Our bodies begin to change - menopausal belly, itchy skin and aching joints anyone?
Just at the time when many of us start to get some freedom from the responsibilities of parenthood, our confidence hits an all-time low so those career or relationship goals feel like a million miles away.

I can’t stop the menopause but hypnotherapy is brilliant at regulating sleep, tackling anxiety and boosting confidence and motivation. If you’d like to get on top of that relationship with food, your body and being active then it’s great with those things too.
I’ve got a couple of resources on my site which will help you:
1. A menopause symptom checklist
2. Menopausing hypnotherapy track
If you want to know about personalised sessions for your issues, contact me here.