"I'm not an alcoholic..."
When you think of who needs help with alcohol issues, I imagine that you probably picture the person in the picture.
Well you’d be correct.

Yeah…not the guy sat on the floor.
Middle-aged, middle-class, working women. It started as a glass of wine after work just to relax. Then she started having a glass of wine while she was cooking tea, another with dinner and another while she cleared up afterwards. That’s that bottle gone, so she opens another after the kids have gone to bed. No sense leaving half a bottle of wine so she finishes it off. Next thing she knows she’s got a two bottle a night alcohol habit. She’s gaining weight, she can’t sleep properly and her skin feels rough. “It’s okay though”, she tells herself “I’m not an alcoholic”.
It’s easily done and it’s not just women. You probably know someone like this. Maybe it’s you, your best mate, your relative.
It’s alcohol awareness week so if it’s time to take back control, get in touch for a free consultation and check your drinking using the quick quiz below.
And if it’s not what you’d like it to be, book your free consultation by clicking here.