Helping Teens Through Exam Season: A Parent's Guide with a hint of Hypnotherapy

1. Prioritise Sleep

Sleep is really important for keeping a clear mind, staving off anxiety and being able to recall information. That late night cramming the night before an exam can actually be detrimental to your performance. Stick to regular bedtimes, limit screen time before bed, turn down the lights and maybe spend some time meditating just before bed.

Looking for something to listen to? Why not give this de-stressing track a listen?

Click here to download Destress Track

2. Take Regular Breaks

While studying is important, breaks are just as essential to prevent burnout and improve focus. A refreshed brain can retain information more effectively. Study in short sessions of 20-25 minutes followed by a break where you step away from the screen or book, maybe even going outside. That bit of daylight and fresh air really helps with relaxation.

3. Consider Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy can be a powerful tool for managing stress and building confidence during exams. If your teen is struggling with anxiety over the exams then a few sessions of hypnotherapy can really turn that feeling around. No-one is ever going to love going in for an exam but it doesn’t need to be scary.

If, as a parent, you’re struggling with your own stress levels, hypnotherapy can help you keep calm and project that caring side that can be really hard to find when faced with a moody, frazzled teenager!

Click here to book a free consultation today for you or your teen.

Hang in there, it will soon pass. Take a deep breath, and remember: you’re in this together.

Common Therapies

I’m often asked what can hypnotherapy be used to treat and it’s such a difficult question to answer because the answer is just about anything where the subconscious is involved. Sometimes whatever that is doesn’t have an obvious connection to the subconscious so if you’re wondering if hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is most likely yes!

I’ve given a little more detail on some of the more common things I work with, however this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to contact me to find out how hypnotherapy can help you.