From Intimidated to Inspired: Redefining Fitness and Embracing Your Journey

t’s that time of year again when people are really noticing themselves fail their New Year’s Resolutions.

That’s the funny thing about deciding to get fit, people start January all full of purpose and then it quickly wears off with the cold dark nights and the feeling that you want to hibernate.

Plus one of the biggest misconceptions is that you have to join a gym to get fit and then you start thinking of all the beautiful, fit and strong people who seem to be at the gym. They all know what they’re doing and all of sudden the gym is a massively intimidating place to be and you don’t go.

Failed again.

Redefining Fitness and Embracing Your Journey

Here’s the thing. Firstly, it doesn’t have to be about the gym. Getting fit comes in all shapes and sizes just like people. Maybe it’s about getting your boogie on with a Zumba class like Good Vibe Tribe Fitness Wakefield, maybe it’s learning to run with Born to Run Netherton maybe you love the fresh air but running isn’t for you but you’d like some company on your walks Walking Fit Ossett & Horbury or maybe it’s doing the garden, yoga or snowboarding or something else entirely.

But here’s the other thing. That woman that is in the zone shakin’ her thang looking amazing comes to this class because it’s the only time she gets away from being a Mum and she rediscovers who she really is, that woman who runs marathons first started running at night from one lamppost to the next so that no-one would see her, that person in the gym lifting weights is feeling empowered and strong because they’re working up the strength to leave a toxic relationship, that woman nailing length after length in the pool hates the walk from the changing room to the pool just as much as you and on and on…

What you really need is a change of mindset. Freedom from fear. Confidence to change your life.

Instead of being intimitated, how about feeling inspired?

Common Therapies

I’m often asked what can hypnotherapy be used to treat and it’s such a difficult question to answer because the answer is just about anything where the subconscious is involved. Sometimes whatever that is doesn’t have an obvious connection to the subconscious so if you’re wondering if hypnotherapy can help you, the answer is most likely yes!

I’ve given a little more detail on some of the more common things I work with, however this is not an exhaustive list by any means. Feel free to contact me to find out how hypnotherapy can help you.